Once again I attended a Release Party by Anna David. Both musically and professionally she's continuously progressing, now in charge of the entire production of her third album, Tættere På.
Anna gave a five set of songs from her most recent album. Når en engel si'r farvel, being the highlight for me.
At the bottom of this page you can see some of the guests at the Release.
The Set List:
01. Tæt på
02. Manden for mig
03. Hvor ska' du sove i nat?
04. Når en engel sir' farvel
05. Den sommer
The Band:
Anna David : vo
Per Løkkegård: g
Rune Buhr: b
Mikael Nordmark: keys
Jesper Mortensen: dm
Gry Trampedach: choir
Rikke Boisen: choir |
by Eric Klitgaard © 2009
photographs on this site are protected by the international copyright laws
and it is strictly prohibited to download and use the photographs for any purpose
without written permission from the photographer | |

Anna David welcoming the guests at the entrance

Anna David's mother during her speach to her daughter

Margaretha David and her daughter

Various Guests

Me with Anna David

Aida and Ida from IdaAida

Gry Trampedach

Me with G ry Trampedach

Maria Askehave and David Owe

Aida with Boogie host, Jeppe Voldum and Mascha Vang

My daughter, Nana with Noam Halby from Johnny Deluxe

Me with Mascha Vang

Mascha Vang with an unknown girlfriend

Kat Stephie Holst from Sukkerchock with an unknown grilfriend

Julie Steincke
Album Cover and Invitation